About Dr. Rahul Kapur

Dr. Rahul Kapur, M.D. is a board-certified family medicine physician with a dedicated passion for integrative medicine and a deep knowledge of functional medicine. He was named intern of the year at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, KS, and has been practicing as a hospitalist for over a decade. He has successfully helped many patients in Kansas City with his specialized IV bags, ketamine therapy, hormone optimization and weight loss therapy methods.

Dr. Rahul Kapur, M.D. is a board-certified family medicine physician with a dedicated passion for integrative medicine and a deep knowledge of functional medicine. He was named intern of the year at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, KS, and has been practicing as a hospitalist for over a decade. He has successfully helped many patients in Kansas City with his specialized IV bags, ketamine therapy, hormone optimization and weight loss therapy methods.

All Posts By Dr. Rahul Kapur

Your Fall Meal-Prep Guide

Your Fall Meal-Prep Guide

The seasons are changing and it’s time to get inspired! Scrap your go-to make-ahead meals and spice things up with these fall, meal-prep-friendly recipes! According to Select Health, the benefits of meal prepping include saving time and money, managing your portion...

The Best Healthy Tailgate Recipes KC Wellness Style

The Best Healthy Tailgate Recipes KC Wellness Style

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… football season! Living in Kansas City, being a Chiefs fan is ingrained in us. We wait all year for Patrick Mahomes, Travis Kelce and Andy Reid, but most importantly... for tailgating! What pops in your mind when you think...

2021 Healthy Back-to-School Snacks Ideas

2021 Healthy Back-to-School Snacks Ideas

August is National Back to School Month and that means back to a routine! Many parents are looking for fast and easy snacks to whip up before homework, but the typical choices usually aren’t the healthiest. It can be easy to get into a routine of fast snacks, but...

The Delta Variant: What It Means for Kansas City

The Delta Variant: What It Means for Kansas City

As the spread of COVID-19 begins to resurge, public officials have been watching closely to detect certain mutations and variants of the virus that may be more contagious than the original strand. Like most living things, viruses constantly change and adapt in order...

10 Tips for Staying Healthy While Traveling

10 Tips for Staying Healthy While Traveling

School is out, warm weather is here—it’s vacation time! While it may be your first getaway in over a year, maintaining your health throughout a vacation is very important. It’s a tale as old as time. You pack, you board the plane, you get to the hotel, you are...

Maintain Your Summer Beach Body With These Healthy Recipes

Maintain Your Summer Beach Body With These Healthy Recipes

It’s July -- which means summer is halfway over. Finding the motivation to work out in the heat can be difficult, but eating a balanced diet can be just as beneficial. Check out these five recipes that will make you feel better on the inside and out! For breakfast…...

Six Steps To Begin Meditating + Lose Weight

Six Steps To Begin Meditating + Lose Weight

May marks a time of new beginnings -- the anticipation of summer, the blooming of flowers, and, perhaps, even the opportunity to begin a new, healthy habit. May is National Meditation Month and despite seeming minimal in nature, meditation has been proven effective...