Bioidentical Hormone Treatment for Menopause Symptoms

*Results may vary due to a variety of factors

Bioidentical Hormone Treatment for Menopause Symptoms

Most women face the changes that menopause brings with some trepidation. Once a woman has reached this stage, her body no longer produces the same level of estrogen or progesterone hormones. Because of these decreased hormones, menopause is often accompanied by a host of physical, emotional, and sexual health problems including:

  • Insomnia and Depression
  • Emotional Changes (anxiety and irritability)
  • Hot Flashes and Night Sweats
  • Dry Skin
  • Vaginal Dryness
  • Headaches
  • Decreased Libido
  • Reduced Mental Focus
  • Joint Pain

Following menopause, this hormonal imbalance causes many women to also face a higher risk of coronary disease and higher cholesterol levels, as well as loss of bone mass that can lead to osteoporosis. Hormone Treatment for Menopause can help.

What Is Bioidentical Hormone Treatment for Menopause (BHRT)?

KC Wellness Center uses customized hormone treatments for women who have entered menopause or are post-menopausal. This therapy is different from all others because it’s made from natural components, using the same hormones that were in your body but have decreased through aging and the onset of menopause. Since this treatment is comprised of the identical chemical and molecular structure that your body naturally produced, it has numerous benefits over synthetic hormones.

How Does BHRT Help the Symptoms of Menopause?

Bioidentical Hormone Treatment for Menopause, or BHRT, uses hormones that are identical to the ones you have lost with the onset of menopause. Although your body is no longer producing these hormones, BHRT will re-introduce the hormones you’ve lost, safely and effectively. Unlike women who take synthetic hormones, patients using this treatment experience few side effects. Your symptoms will begin to disappear soon after you begin your customized treatment. Once your original hormone levels have been restored, you’ll begin to look and feel like you did years—even decades—earlier. The risks associated with menopause and post-menopause will being to reverse themselves.


Your First Visit for Bioidentical Hormone Treatment for Menopause

When you visit KC Medical & Wellness Center, we will set aside time to talk to you about your overall health, including your health history, and the changes you’ve experienced with the onset of menopause. Then, we will give you a comprehensive medical exam and blood tests that will help us determine your customized plan. This plan is designed just for your body and may include various levels of natural estrogen and progesterone. After your treatment begins, we will ask you to return to our Center for weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly follow-up appointments.

We’ve helped many women regain their physical and emotional health and well-being through BHRT menopause therapy. Call or contact KC Medical & Wellness Center today to make an appointment.

BHRT Menopause Therapy. Learn More about BHRT For Women.

Bioidentical Hormone Treatment for Menopause