As January unfolds in Kansas City, the short days and biting cold continue challenging our energy and health. Your body demands additional support after the hustle of the holidays and the increased risk of colds and flu. IV vitamin therapy emerges as a crucial ally...
Just as the seasons transition throughout the year, so do our bodies as we age. Mood fluctuations, hot flashes and sleep disturbances might become more noticeable as you get older. But did you know these can be linked to hormonal shifts? Hormones are key players in...
‘Tis the season to be jolly, but for health-conscious couples, the festive cheer often comes with a side of worry about those extra holiday pounds. The abundance of delicious treats and festive feasts can make sticking to health and fitness goals challenging....
The winter months’ colder temperatures may come as a relief if you’re experiencing perimenopausal, menopausal or postmenopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes. Luckily, treatment options are available year-round, so you don’t have to depend on the weather to relieve...
If you find yourself standing at the crossroads of middle age, burdened by the demands of a challenging career and family responsibilities, you’re not alone. The midlife energy slump can feel like an unexpected detour on the path you’ve been navigating...
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and World Menopause Awareness Month. Many might not be aware, but for some, breast cancer and menopause go hand in hand. According to Susan B. Komen, women who go through menopause later in life have an increased risk...
Starting a weight loss journey together as a couple can be a transformative experience, but finding the right approach is critical. In Kansas City, couples seeking a personalized and scientifically-backed solution are turning to medical weight loss. This method...
Fifty-two percent of all men experience erectile dysfunction, with it affecting 40 percent of men age 40, and 70 percent of men age 70, according to the Cleveland Clinic. If you think you may be experiencing symptoms or you suspect your partner has sexual dysfunction,...
Talking about health conditions can be difficult for many men, especially when it involves their sexual well-being. Although issues in this area are shared, discussions with their health provider surrounding anything within the bedroom, even when needed, often don’t...
In recent years, there has been a growing need for low testosterone treatment in younger men. In fact, a recent study reported in Urology Times showed that about 20% of men aged 15-39 were deficient in the hormone. Testosterone, the hormone primarily associated with...