
Why You Should Choose Medical Weight Loss

If you want to start (or re-start) working on a new weight-loss plan, we have some advice: don’t start looking online for the latest fad diet. Why? They don’t work.

A real weight-loss plan is easy to follow, gives you permanent results, allows for flexibility, and is completely customized. There’s no “traditional” diet that will do that for you—not low-fat, low-carb, low-sugar, or low-calories.

Medical Weight Loss

Here’s what those diets never mention, but that you should know:

  • They don’t take your individual body into account. There are many elements that combine to form the systems of your body: gender, hormone levels, health history, and much more. You have specific strengths and capabilities – and you have particular limitations too. Dieting may include cutting calories of your daily food intake, but what if that’s unsafe? Additionally, many of these diet plans cause mood swings, irritation, and tiredness.
  • They offer little flexibility. If you have a job where you can’t eat or snack for hours, or if you’d like a bit of a sweet treat, you’re out of luck, because many diets are very rigid, and even a small adjustment will cause weight loss difficulties.
  • They don’t provide a permanent weight loss solution. Traditional diets aren’t meant to be maintained for years, because they are always depriving your body of something that it truly needs to be healthy. Once you discontinue these diet plans, the weight creeps back.
  • They don’t give you the results that you need. Many people begin diets with the hope that they’ll lose a certain number of pounds and that they’ll also fix a medical issue, like Type II diabetes or high blood pressure. However, these diets may only “fix” one thing—maybe your weight or BMI, or maybe a health problem. Once you’re done with that diet, your problems (and your unwanted pounds) will be back. Plus, these diets don’t give you a guarantee the way that supervised, high-quality medical weight loss programs will.

Why Is Medical Weight Loss Different?

Medical weight loss combines a customized, flexible program with your individual needs, goals, and lifestyle, under the supervision of a doctor. This program includes taking your health history, performing a comprehensive physical exam as well as lab testing, and then creating a plan that’s customized to work for you, and you only. It includes not only diet and fitness monitoring, but medication and supplements that will “turn on” your metabolism or suppress your appetite. You’ll be able to lose weight and keep it off – guaranteed!

If you want to lose weight, curb health problems, and look and feel great, call KC Medical and Wellness Center today to learn more about our proven weight loss program, and lose the weight for life!