The new year is almost here! For most of us, that means making a New Year’s resolution, which can be an exciting reset after the indulgence of the holidays. The start of the new year allows us to reflect on the past year and set goals for ourselves about what we would like to change in the upcoming one. New Year’s resolutions or goals are a great way to assess your priorities for 2023. Making a plan for the goals you want to achieve will make them that much more attainable and realistic. 

Tips for keeping your New Year’s Resolutions

There is no magic button for keeping a resolution, but the first step toward the success of your goals is to develop a structured plan. We set ourselves up for a better chance of success if we treat what we want out of 2023 as an attainable goal with a process to achievement, rather than a cliché of something to do at the beginning of January. In creating your resolution or goals think about these questions: 

  • What do you want to accomplish?
  • Why do you want to achieve that goal?
  • What challenges may arise?
  • How do you plan to overcome challenges?

Create a Vision for Your Goals

Think about what a healthy future of achieving your goals looks like to you. Convert that into a concise statement for yourself. For example, “I want to get healthier so I can keep up with my grandkids.”

An easy way to make a plan of action is to create goals that are SMART:

  • Specific — What do I want to do?
  • Measurable — How will I track my progression?
  • Achievable — Are these goals realistic using the time and resources available?
  • Relevant — Is this important enough to me to want to do it? Be positive in creating goals for yourself. 
  • Time-framed — When will I do this? Set short and long-term time frames. Nothing you want is going to come overnight. 

Set Yourself Up for Success:

  • Confront your temptations: You will need to make changes to your environment to help with your goals. Remove anything that won’t help you with your goal. 
  • Tell on yourself: Let your friends and family know your goals. They can help keep you accountable, and some may even want to join your efforts. 
  • Remember the reward: Make a list of the reasons why you want to do this it will help you stick to your process. 
  • Be prepared for challenges: Setbacks will happen, so give yourself grace and then get back on track. Don’t give up.
  • Commit yourself: Lifestyle changes take time. Make yourself a priority.

Health and Wellness Goals

If your New Year’s resolution is a healthier lifestyle or weight loss, you’re not alone. According to the Global Consumer Survey, Americans’ top three New Year’s resolutions last year were to exercise more, eat healthier and lose weight. If you frame your New Year’s resolution as a fresh start to a healthier you, the chances are better that you will accomplish it and allow it to become a new lifestyle. Put your focus on the positive and how a healthier lifestyle can benefit you in the long run. When you can envision what you want the outcome of your goal to be and the plan it will take, you will be better equipped for success. 

While changing your daily food habits will help you lose weight, physical activity also needs to be incorporated to maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

  • Start with a low-impact exercise like walking or swimming.
  • Choose activities you enjoy, whether that’s running outdoors or taking an exercise class.
  • Get your friends or family to join in to help you stay motivated.
  • If needed, break up your activity goal into smaller amounts of time. This makes it easier to fit exercise into your busy day. So your 30-minute goal becomes three 10-minute sessions instead.
  • Work your way up to 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of high-intensity exercise a week (or a mix of the two).
  • Add in strength training at least twice a week (weights, resistance bands or bodyweight exercises).
  • Keep a physical activity journal to monitor your progress toward your exercise goals.

Why Medical Weight Loss?

Weight loss is a very personal matter. If you begin a weight loss program and you are successful, everyone will see it and let you know. The problem is that the weight often comes right back, and then you’re back to square one. It’s no wonder that so many people think losing weight — and successfully keeping it off — is so difficult that it seems hopeless at times.

KC Wellness Center is here to help you lose weight and teach you how to keep it off. Our patients tell us that they want to look good, feel great and stay healthy — and that’s what we strive to accomplish. Our programs are safe and affordable and most importantly they work for everyone who follows them. We are proud to say that about 90% (yes, nine out of 10) of our patients have lost the amount of weight that they wanted and have kept it all off. They have also decreased their blood pressure, watched as their type 2 diabetes disappeared and reversed life-threatening cholesterol readings. 

Our doctors are confident that our medical weight loss programs are the most effective, individualized, multifaceted programs available, and the programs deliver the most health benefits to our patients. We can help you truly change your life. 

Our doctors and professional office staff have decades of experience, and we are here to help you. Our detailed intake process includes these steps:

  • Discuss your health history in detail
  • Perform a comprehensive physical examination
  • Perform comprehensive laboratory testing
  • Create a customized plan that will help you lose weight and improve your overall health

There is no one-size-fits-all medical weight loss program. Every person is different: a different medical history, health issues, upbringing, fitness routine and body type. That’s why for some people just dieting and exercising won’t help them lose and maintain a healthy weight. We must carefully consider what the most appropriate and effective program is for you and your lifestyle.

Weight Loss Programs for Men and Women

KC Wellness Center offers stand-alone programs that include lifestyle changes to ensure that you get fast, safe and sustainable results. The initial phase of our weight loss programs includes a combination of medications, supplements and meal plans customized to fit your needs and goals. These are the primary treatments we utilize to achieve fast amazing results:

  • Lipotropic Injections The term lipotropic comes from the three essential amino acids that are crucial for our health. These amino acids help the human body metabolize fatty acids from foods inside the liver. When injected, these lipotropic compounds can accelerate the fat metabolism rate. As the result, the fatty acids are degraded and utilized or excreted by the body quickly, as opposed to being stored as fat. Adding additional vitamins and minerals to the amino acid blend accelerates this process.
  • Semaglutide Injections These shots help combat chronic weight issues. The treatment has a GLP-1 effect, meaning it signals the pancreas to create insulin, which causes the stomach to empty over a longer period — keeping you fuller longer. The shots also suppress your appetite by using your body’s natural insulin production process and help stabilize blood sugar to avoid crashes.
  • Prescription Appetite Suppressants Our physician thoroughly evaluates each patient and prescribes an appropriate appetite suppressant when it is clinically indicated. The most commonly prescribed medication is phentermine.
  • Weight Loss Coaching Our staff is here to help you through your weight loss journey every step of the way. Not only will you receive weekly weight loss progress, counseling and nutrition advice, but we will make ourselves available via phone or email outside of office hours for your convenience. Our goal is your success!
  • Nutritional Supplements We utilize pharmaceutical-grade nutritional supplements to help facilitate rapid weight loss, increase energy and promote long-term health. We utilize supplements made by Pure Encapsulations that are guaranteed for potency and purity. 

Our doctors and staff are always available to answer questions about your program. We provide nutritional counseling, guides for medication and supplements, detailed shopping lists, meal plans, recipes and weekly progress reports.

If your goal is to regain control of your life, achieve sustainable weight loss and have the body you have been dreaming of, then the medical weight loss program at KC Wellness Center is exactly what you need!

If you are ready to lose weight and learn how to keep it off, then it’s time to call KC Wellness Center. The professionals at KC Wellness Center have many years of experience in helping patients lose weight.

At KC Wellness Center our doctors and nurses consider our medical approach to weight loss the most realistic and effective program available. 

Consult KC Wellness

When it comes to complete wellness, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. It is a personal matter requiring an individualized plan to fit your needs and lifestyle. But for many people, without guidance and support from outside resources, successfully meeting your wellness and weight-loss goals can be a challenging process. At KC Wellness, we have a holistic approach to wellness. We help you stay on course to follow a realistic and consistent eating pattern, take any vitamins in which you may be deficient and get regular physical activity. We focus on lifestyle changes that encourage safe and sustainable results. 

If you are ready for a routine that will change your life through sustainable weight loss and wellness tips, then KC Wellness may be precisely what you are looking for.  Our doctors and staff are always available to answer any questions and provide guidance along the way to help you succeed. You can check out our medical weight loss services here to learn more about what we do. Reach out to our team today to see how we can help you in your health and wellness journey. Call us at 816-214-5276 or contact us here. There’s no reason to wait — let us help you feel your very best every day. 

You can also check out our comprehensive guide to medical weight loss. You can see all of our services HERE.