Take advantage of the summer sun and weather! With more downtime, this is the perfect time of year to improve your healthy habits!



UV rays become the most powerful between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the summer season, according to APM Health. Make sure to use a sufficient amount of sunscreen, especially on the face, to prevent skin damage and visible aging. Shade can be a valuable resource during the summer to enjoy the beautiful weather, prevent skin damage and preserve hydration levels.



This is the best time of the year to detox from technology use. Instead of sitting in front of the TV, meet up with some friends and have a nice picnic. Summer is also the time when people go on various trips and vacations. It can be difficult to put down the phone and take in the experience. By disconnecting from your devices, more time can be spent creating lifelong memories.


Fresh Foods

Many fruits and vegetables come in season during this time of year. Visit a local farmers’ market to enjoy some fresh produce. Tomatoes, strawberries, green beans and bell peppers are all ripe during the summer, according to More Matters. Fruits and vegetables can be thrown into a salad or made into a tasty side dish for dinner.


Outdoor Activities

Evening walks or pool days are the best ways to get active during the summertime. Take advantage of the beautiful, warm weather and go outside! While outside in the heat, it is essential to hydrate as much as possible.


Doctor Visits

Many people have more downtime during the summertime. This is the perfect opportunity to schedule a doctor’s visit that has been pushed off all winter long. Use the extra time in your schedule to visit your doctor to ensure you are leading a happy and healthy life! Annual check-ups are the best way to prevent illness.

IV vitamin therapy is the perfect way to stay hydrated and energized during the warm summer season. This procedure only takes 10-15 minutes and results can be seen immediately. To learn more about IV vitamin therapy and maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle, call KC Wellness Center at 816-214-5276 or visit http://bit.ly/2mjwoOh.