
The Reality behind the Phenomena of Andropause

Women are known to go through a period of changing hormones after the age of 45. This is the time when a complete cessation in the menstrual cycle takes place, changing body chemistry forever. But is there a similar phenomenon for men? Do men go through a drastic change in their hormones which alters the quality of their life forever? Read on to find out how true the term andropause is.

What is meant by andropause?

Andropause, or the ‘male menopause’ is characterized by a reduction in the level of testosterone in the body. This change takes place in the body as a result of increasing age. An important thing to note is that as with the female menopause, where the ovaries lose the ability to produce female hormones that keep the body youthful and fertile, the male andropause is very different. Men do not completely lose the ability to produce testosterone. However, there is a gradual decline in the overall production and bioavailability of the said hormone. The decline in testosterone production has a profound negative impact on the quality of life and overall health.

So, the question is: what are the symptoms of andropause? The following guidelines will help you in identifying whether you are going through these changes or nearing them.

The symptoms to look for

You will have to get a blood test done to determine the level of testosterone in your body. The following symptoms may be indicators of the manifestation of the male andropause:

  • Loss of libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decreased frequency of erections
  • Inability to maintain an erection
  • Increased body fat
  • Decrease in muscle mass
  • Mental fogginess
  • Reduced fertility
  • Increased irritability
  • Depression
  • Loss of motivation
  • Insomnia

How do you treat andropause?

The most effective treatment for andropause is hormone replacement therapy. You can restore your hormones to youthful levels through testosterone replacement therapy. There are many delivery systems available to administer testosterone. Testosterone can be administered via intramuscular injections, surgically implanted in the form of pellets, applied in a topical cream or gel or taken orally.