
Testosterone replacement therapy is considered to be one of the best therapeutic measures to counter depleting hormones in men. For many men, it comes across as the ultimate anti-aging formula, especially when they reach their twilight years. However, the truth is that the impact of testosterone therapy in decelerating the aging process in men remains debatable.

While the treatment is rendered safe and has been clinically-tested for positive results, there are several things you need to know before applying for a testosterone replacement therapy. Here’s a look at the basics:
What does Testosterone do?


Testosterone is the male sex hormone, produced in the testicles, that regulates overall bodily functions in men. From developing the sex organs and accounting for masculine features, these hormones are essential for bone development and density, redistribution of body fats, providing muscular strength and support, developing facial and body hair and creating libido in men.

Testosterone levels peak during your adolescence and early adulthood years. As you age further, the hormone level starts to decline, dropping by 1% per annum after you hit 30. While testosterone depletion in aging men is common and would generally not require the use of replacement therapies, it is when your body fails to produce testosterone or produces an inadequate amount that you need help.

When do you need a Replacement Therapy?
A common myth prevails that low testosterone levels indicate aging in men. This is not necessarily true. Hypogonadism is a medical condition in which the male body cannot produce testosterone, either due to a problem in the reproductive organ or due to impairment in the pituitary gland, or both. This disease can occur at any age. If Hypogonadism occurs at any age below 50, doctors normally prescribe testosterone injections and replacement therapies.

What does low Testosterone lead to?
Depletion in testosterone level, at any age, leads to a number of physical, psychological and emotional changes in men.


Typical signs and symptoms include the following:

  • Changes in Sleeping Patterns: Lower levels of sex hormones in men is associated with sleeping troubles, such as insomnia, restlessness, weak sleep and general difficulty in sleeping
  • Low Sex Drive: Since testosterone is associated with reproductive health in men, low levels lead to reduced sexual desire, fewer erections, withdrawal from sex, inability to stimulate and even infertility (in some cases)
  • Emotional Troubles: Despite constant reassurances from your loved ones, you always feel depressed, worried and anxious. Your self-confidence and motivation is lost and you have difficulty in remembering names, places and events. All these factors indicate a decline in your testosterone levels
  • Physical Symptoms: Various physical symptoms begin to appear that represent falling testosterone levels. These include an increase in body fat, reduction in muscle bulk and strength and an overall decrease in bone density.

How does Testosterone Replacement Therapy help?
TRT is one of the safest, cost-efficient and reliable ways to counter the declining testosterone level in your body. It replenishes your body with an adequate dosage of the hormones that improves your body functioning and sex drive.


In addition, this treatment also leads to:

  • A healthy heart and blood flow: The administration of testosterone leads to the widening of coronary arteries. For men suffering from angina and chest pains, TRT works wonders. In addition, it causes the red blood cell count to rise – making it the ideal treatment for all anemic patients
  • More Muscles and Less Fat: A leaner body mass helps you control your weight and increase your energy level. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that testosterone replacement therapy helps you decrease your body fat and increase muscle size and strength. Combine this with strength training, and you are unstoppable!
  • Strong Bones: In men, testosterone is associated with bone strength and cartilage functioning. For those who enjoy athletics and a game of tennis on weekends, TRT can help them regain and retain their bone strength, despite their age.
  • Improved Libido: For men who experience a decline in their sex drive, prior to the age of 40, testosterone replacement works wonders. The hormones react with the blood stream to improve the blood flow around the reproductive area. This leads to an increase in sexual desire and better performance. It also aids in the release of endorphins and other hormones that bring about a feeling of content and satisfaction
  • Better Mood: With an active intimate life and lesser periods of abstinence, the testosterone treatment leads to improved moods in men. This includes a decrease in depression and an overall feeling of happiness and well-being for longer time periods.

KC Wellness Center offers clinically administered testosterone and other hormone replacement therapies for men. With a team of health experts, you can say bye-bye to depleting hormone levels. Click here to learn more.