Satisfied Older Woman

Urinary incontinence is defined as the loss of bladder control and is a rather common problem. A source of embarrassment and extreme inconvenience, the disorder has various epidemiological characteristics. The disorder is prevalent in more women than men and is characterized by various degrees of severity. For some, even a sneeze could trigger urinary outflow whereas others have somewhat control over their bladder’s function.

There are various reasons, which can manifest the condition of incontinence in your body. The following list will help you identify all of the temporary as well as the permanent causes of urinary incontinence.

Causes of Temporary Incontinence

  • Some foods, drinks and drugs that act as diuretics
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Corn syrup
  • Spicy, sugary or acidic food items
  • Citrus fruits
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Large dosage of Vitamin B and/or C
  • Decaffeinated coffee or tea
  • Sedatives
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Blood pressure medication
  • Medical conditions as Urinary Tract Infections and constipation

Causes of Persistent Urinary Incontinence

  • Pregnancy
  • Childbirth
  • Aging bladder
  • Enlarged prostate in men
  • Prostate cancer in men
  • Menopause in women
  • Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and/or other reproductive structures in women)
  • Obstruction such as a tumor or urinary stones in the urinary tract
  • Neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, spinal injuries, brain tumor or a stroke

Effective Treatment options for Urinary Incontinence

With urinary incontinence affecting not only the older sections of the population but also the younger lot, at an alarming rate, the medical world has come up with several remedies against this embarrassing condition.

The following remedies are effective in providing the patient total control over urinary incontinence.

Behavioral Changes

  • Monitoring fluid intake and timing
  • Avoiding spicy food
  • Practicing pelvic floor exercise such as Kegels
  • Bladder training
  • Double voiding

Using medications

  • Anti-muscarinic and Anti-cholinergic drugs
  • Botox
  • Mirabegron
  • Topical estrogen

Utilizing medical devices (for women)

  • Urethral insert
  • Pessary

Resorting to surgery

  • Sling procedure

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy: A Breakthrough Treatment Option for Urinary Incontinence

Despite the presence of all other treatment options, the most readily effective remedy to overcome the loss of bladder control is to opt for PRP therapy. A modified version of revolutionary PRP therapy, Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy is a reliable, safe and quickly acting way of treating and in some cases curing urinary disorders in women.

The treatment aims at the resolution of the disorder by utilizing the patient’s own growth factors. These are extracted from the patient’s own blood with the help of special centrifuging techniques. Once extracted, the growth factors are deployed in specific urethral regions to stimulate the production of stem cells. What ensues is a series of repair and rejuvenation processes around the different structures of the woman’s urinary tract such as the walls of the bladder and the inner aspect of the urethra.

A vast majority of women have reported immediate positive changes in their bladder function after having opted for PRP therapy. The treatment plan is the best remedy for reducing the reliance of the patient on any ancillary remedial measures along with the complete alleviation of urinary incontinence.