Meal Replacements
Throughout the course of phase 1 and phase 2 of this program it is generally not recommended to consume meal replacement products such as protein bars, protein shakes, frozen entrées, etc. Most of these products contain preservatives, artificial sweeteners, sugar and other unhealthy additives. If your schedule does not allow you to consume the quantity of food outlined in this program, please consult the staff and we will recommend a meal replacement product. It is always best to consume real, whole food when possible.
Tips to Change Unhealthy Eating Habits
Make unhealthy eating as difficult as possible. Go through your house and get rid of all unhealthy food items to avoid temptations.
Do not eat quickly. It takes your brain about 20 minutes to realize that you are full. Chew your food slowly and make your meal last longer. This will give you time to realize how much you have eaten and how much more you must eat. Eating slower will help prevent unnecessary over eating.
Drink water before each meal. Drink an 8 ounce glass of water before each meal. The water will take up space in your stomach and reduce your appetite.
Meal planning. Meal planning is essential. Prepare and pre-pack your meals for the week ahead when possible. Eat at scheduled meal times each day. Do not skip breakfast or any other meals or snacks. You must keep your metabolism burning.
Keep a food and exercise journal. This will automatically make you aware and accountable for your eating and exercise patterns. It will also allow you to reflect back on what worked best for you.
Move your body. A regular workout schedule is best but there are many ways to burn calories every day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park in the farthest parking space possible. Go for a walk around the block when you get home from work.
Grocery shopping. Do not grocery shop on an empty stomach. Shop after eating, not when you are hungry. You will be less likely to purchase unhealthy food. Make a grocery list and stick to it. Shopping lists are provided for you in the back of this manual. Buy foods that require preparation before eating. Ready-to- eat foods are too easy to consume on impulse.
Eating out. Eat a healthy snack before going out. Do not go to a restaurant famished. Order vegetables and salads. Order your vegetables steamed without sauce or butter. Ask the waiter not to prepare the steak, fish or chicken with butter before serving. Try sharing an entrée with your significant other.
Read food labels. As a general rule, if you can not pronounce something on the label it is probably not good for you. At all costs, avoid high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. Both of these products are very common and toxic.
Introduction To Phase I Of Your Dietary Plan
The KC Medical Weight Loss System is designed to unlock and jump-start your metabolism.
Phase I of your program is usually suggested for two weeks. Our medical provider may suggest a longer or shorter period of time based on medical necessity. Throughout the course of this program you will choose from a number of food choices. In this program, the quantity of each food is referred to as “units”. Each food item has its own unit of measurement that is equal to one unit. Keep in mind that food weight is calculated after it has been cooked (for foods that require cooking).